Penang to issue compounds for not segregating waste from Sept 1

Not effectively segregating waste can be a potential nightmare. Isn’t it time to have a look at what iCYCLE Waste Management System can do for your condominium/gated community/housing estate/PPR? iCYCLE ~ your most reliable waste management solution provider. GEORGE TOWN: From Sept 1, local councils in Penang will start imposing a RM250 compound on households […]
Recycle with iCYCLE and start earning rewards

Recycle with iCYCLE and start earning rewards; what a great reason to start recycling today!
We’re in the news again

was cited from Kosomo! Online Rencana Utama Oleh MOHD. SHAZWAN YUSOP Foto NOOR AZLINA JAAFAR BERKHIDMAT sebagai pensyarah di Fakulti Kejuruteraan, Universiti Multimedia (MMU), Cyberjaya, Selangor menyebabkan hidup lelaki berusia 47 tahun itu dikelilingi perkakas elektronik. Saban hari, Prof. Dr. Fabian Kung Wai Lee menggunakan beratus-ratus bahan elektronik seperti papan litar tercetak, mikro cip dan […]

Tahniah YB Dato’ Rusnah Kassim, Penghulu Shukeri Said serta warga Kpg Kuala Slim kerana memenangi tempat ketiga Anugerah Desa Perdana peringkat kebangsaan hari ini. KOHIJAU-ICYCLE tumpang gembira
Melaka makes iCYCLE their recycling provider of choice in advancing the state’s quest for sustainable living.

Melaka makes iCYCLE their recycling provider of choice in advancing the state’s quest for sustainable living.
Icycle was present in Disneyland Garden Ayer Tawar, Perak.

Big turnout at Kanival 3k in Disneyland Garden Ayer Tawar, Perak. KOHIJAU-iCYCLE was present with our booth to raise awareness for recycling.