iCYCLE Launching at Kwan Tung Village


11th August 2019 – Residents of Kwan Tung Village will now be able to enjoy the benefits of recycling with the launching of iCYCLEs Reward Based Recycling Program. Although set on a rainy morning, residents of Kwan Tung Village braved the weather to attend the launching to show support for a better lifestyle through recycling.
The efforts were surely not wasted for nothing as the half day event was packed with various engaging activities to be a part of; from 2kg Reward Recycling Competition to interactive discussions,”Gotong-Royong” as well as registration booth for new members.
In light of the event,the event was also attended and officiated by Balakong Assemblywoman, Y.B Wong Siew Ki, in which later on took time to mingle around with residents and discuss on any issues or matters arising in the residential area. The launching of iCYCLE here marks another profound milestone achieved by both iCYCLE and residents of Kwan Tung Village.

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