
Economic and Social Development: Comprehensive Green Transformation


This is the first time that the central government has made systematic arrangements to accelerate the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development.

  • 加快经济社会发展全面绿色转型顶层设计文件发布 深入推进绿色低碳发展
  • The top-level design document for accelerating the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development has been released to further promote green and low-carbon development
  • 绿色低碳发展成就卓著
  • Remarkable achievements in green and low-carbon development
  • 提出两个阶段目标
  • Propose two-stage goals
  • 完善绿色转型政策体系
  • Improve the green transformation policy system

中国在推动绿色发展的承诺达到了新高度. 最近中央政府发布了关于加快经济绿色转型的政策文件。该政策特别强调了循环经济的重要性,尤其是在资源回收利用和废物管理方面,这些都是促进可持续发展的关键组成部分。文章讨论了在完善政策框架、财政激励和技术进步方面取得的重大进展,这些进展支持各行业采用更加可持续的实践。

China’s commitment to green development has reached new heights. The central government recently released a policy document on accelerating the green transformation of the economy. The policy specifically emphasizes the importance of a circular economy, especially in terms of resource recycling and waste management, which are key components in promoting sustainable development. The article discusses the significant progress made in improving policy frameworks, fiscal incentives, and technological advances that support the adoption of more sustainable practices across industries.

原版与其他更多详情,请游览:For more information and origin source, please visit:https://www.gov.cn/zhengce/202408/content_6967932.htm

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