BodyMindSoul Festival

29 Nov-1 Dec 2019 – BodyMindSoul Festival is one of the largest event organize by The Golden Space. As part of Ecopartner collaboration with The Golden Space, we’ve been one of the exhibitor along the event. These three days event includes, 50 booth showcase includes Booth showcase by Yayasan Petronas, Nissan, UrbanFarm, GreenLiving, S.A.H.A.B.A.T, Evergic, […]
Green Earth Day Talk at UiTM Jengka

16 November 2019 – Invited by UiTM English Club, UiTM Jengka for Green Earth Day talk. The event kick start with opening ceremony at Albiruni Hall lead by Ahmad Jelani. Then talk session by Idayu spreading recycling awareness to students and at the same time introducing iCycle as sustainability platform for recycling activities. As the […]
The Music Run by CiMB

23 November 2019 – This year, iCYCLE embark a journey by becoming one of the sustainability partner for The Music Run by CiMB, the biggest ever running event held in Stadium Bukit Jalil that promote carbon neutral mass participations. For the event we placed 8 sets of cupboards bins labeled with, plastics, aluminums and papers […]
IIB CSR Saving Paradise: International Coastal Cleanup event at Pulau Pemanggil Johor by Iskandar Investment Berhad

4-6 October 2019 – This IIB CSR Saving Paradise: International Coastal Cleanup event at Pulau Pemanggil Johor by Iskandar Investment Berhad is the 3rd program from IIB and this year in collaboration Taman Laut Mersing, besides take charge of the collections of waste, iCycle been given a slot to give awareness talk title; “The Secret of Waste” […]
Waste to Wealth at Mines Shopping Mall

11 November 2019 – As part of iCYCLE awareness program to the community, the upcycling event title ‘Waste to Wealth’ was held in The Mines Shopping Mall. Upcycling is the process converting used item into creative and usable item. The upcycling project was to convert old phone case into hanging ornaments. The event get positive […]