23 November 2019 – This year, iCYCLE embark a journey by becoming one of the sustainability partner for The Music Run by CiMB, the biggest ever running event held in Stadium Bukit Jalil that promote carbon neutral mass participations. For the event we placed 8 sets of cupboards bins labeled with, plastics, aluminums and papers around the stadium. Over 20,000 runners was really hype with the theme ‘live the beats’, even though it rains heavily at 3 PM. As the event goes we manage to collect huge amount of recyclable especially the aluminum cans. Kudos to our 10 dedicated crew of the days, with all sweat and energy be able to handle large crowd of people to collect the recycling even though it’s raining heavily. The run cut off by 7PM and the crowds starts live with the beat with concerts during the night. It was truly a day to remember.

[iCYCLE] Company Catalogue 2025: Double Sublimation of Visuals and Contents
In the long river of time, we have always been forging ahead. Now, [iCYCLE] reflects its new look of development and engraves a new chapter