CIMB Cooler Earth Conference

1-2 October 2019 – Players in the financial sector, banking, asset management companies including NGOs have recently gathered at the CIMB Cooler Earth Conference.

The event took place at the KLCC Convention Center for two days starting on 1st October 2019, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

More than 300 participants participated in a program organized by CIMB as a platform to inspire business leaders, financiers, investors, policy- and decision-makers to change the paradigm of business and finance and our way of life.

CIMB would like to encourage participants to embrace sustainability and take action towards shaping a more responsible society and a less sweltering planet.

At the same time, iCYCLE booth managed to get many people’s name cards from the different corporate company, this is the exposure iCYCLE need at these events to further spread the idea of iCYCLE.

Also present is Minister for Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (MESTEC), YB Yeo Bee Yin, CIMB Group Holdings Bhd. Chairman, Datuk Mohd. Nasir Ahmad, CIMB Group Chief Executive Officer, Tengku Dato ’Sri Zafrul Aziz, Water, Land and Natural Resources Minister, YB Dr. Xavier Jayakumar.

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