Our Milestone

Our Milestone

August 2016

iCYCLE® WEB System

iCYCLE Website – Official launch of ICYCLE Website. We are very proud to launch our website as a channel to reach out to other green communities though the recycle program.

January 2016

Recycling Activities

Being of the year 2016, We orgnised a few programs in our community, such as Charity events and recycling activities in schools and community centres.

January 2014


Through-out 2014, we building a prototype towards Sustainable Eco-Systems for environmental engineering and Services in order to achieve Go Green Points.

March 2013

Coordination for 3R

Through-out 2013, Initiated collaborations with NGOs through Recycling projects through Educational programs, regular meetings and clean-up events.

January 2013


Living in an environment with a poluted landfill and a failier incinerator is not everybodys choice. Therefore ICYCLE initiated a waste management system that was able to reduce our waste in order to save the planet. We began the campaign with our friends towards ZERO INCINERATORS and the reduction of the use of landfills. The feedback was very encouraging. This was where we began working together with our communities to move forward towards building a sustainable eco-system.