Johor’s Roadmap for Sustainable Development BV@M

24 November 2020 – Our CEO, Dr Tan Ching Seong was invited to be one of the speakers in a webinar “Johor’s Roadmap for Sustainable Development – Blockchain Village@ Medini (BV@M)” held by Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC). iCYCLE was very glad to participate in such event as a part of the Blockchain Village@ Medini (BV@M), an initiative by Iskandar Investment Berhad (IIB). Dr Tan explained the operating mode of iCYCLE in the live and share his point of view on why we need to track waste as the waste generated from every individual is not segregated well and resources are not fully utilized.

We are glad and thankful to the organizer for inviting iCYCLE among other reputable companies. For those who have missed out the session, you may still watch it here.

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