Ikon Kitar Semula March for PPR Lembah Subang

14 April  2021 – PPR Lembah Subang 1 has organized for Ikon Kitar Semula March. The program has starts from 11 am to 2 pm at PPR Lembah Subang 1.

The objective of the program is to give prize for the best March 10 Ikon Kitar Semula March to encourage residents to recycle the products they have. Also, get feedback from residents about the campaign. Especially to meet the new line of KJ properties, namely Encik Mohd Noor.

Fortunately, the results of this program have managed to present all 10 prizes to the winners. This method can encourage residents to take care of our environment. Furthermore, the program is able to explore new initiatives with a new lineup that will lead management.

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