International Conference and Exposition on Inventions by Institutions of Higher Learning (PECIPTA) is a biannual program organised by the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia together with its partner institution science since 2001. PECIPTA aims to showcase innovative products and services from institutions of higher learning (IHL). ICYCLE will be participate in PECIPTA 2017. Anyone nearest […]
Jelapang Townhall

Taklimat Kitar Semula KOHIJAU-ICYCLE sempena Program Peraduan Mewarna anjuran Pengerusi dan Ahli Jawatankuasa Tunas Jiran Rukun Tetangga Jelapang. Perasmian oleh Prof Dr Richard Ng, Naib Pengerusi Pemadam Negeri Perak
Recycling event attended by the YAB MB of Perak state.

Gotong royong dan pelancaran sistem mata ganjaran kitar semula KOHIJAU-iCYCLE oleh YB DATO’ HJ SAMSUDIN BIN ABU HASSAN, sempena program permukiman YAB MB PERAK DAERAH BATANG PADANG.
At Malaysia Green Technology Corporation in Bangi.