3rd of August 2019 – iCYCLE spent the weekends at the Church of Divine Mercy for its Environmental Fair, an E Waste Campaign. Located in Shah Alam, the event was an public open day event held for 2 days filled with booth exhibitions, eco friendly products promotions, recycling activities and many more. The event managed to attract a large crowd of 4000 people. A great time spent on a great weekend.
万亿级市场东风再起 循环经济引领产业绿色革命
The trillion-dollar market is booming again, and the circular economy is leading the green revolution of the industry 2024年8月11日,中共中央、国务院印发的《关于加快经济社会发展全面绿色转型的意见》(以下简称《意见》)正式对外公布,这是中央层面首次对加快经济社会发展全面绿色转型进行系统部署。《意见》提出,“大力发展循环经济”“大力发展资源循环利用产业”“健全废弃物循环利用体系”。 On August 11, 2024, the CPC