iCYCLE China Revamp 2021

5 January 2022

According to the “Opinions on Promoting the Treatment of
Domestic Waste at a High Level” (Zhejiang Committee Office (2019) No. 59), the “Notice on Printing and Distributing the Evaluation Index and Scoring Criteria for the Classification of Domestic Waste in Zhejiang Province in 2021” (Zhejiang Classification [2021] No. 6) and other requirements, in accordance with the “Evaluation Standards of Zhejiang High-standard Domestic Waste Classification Demonstration Community (for Trial Implementation” (Jianchengfa [2017] No. 373)), various regions organized and carried out the creation of provincial-level high-standard domestic waste classification demonstration communities and demonstration areas.

In 2021, iCYCLE China’s sales turnover in the refined operation of waste classification, equipment and thirty-party assessment will increase exponentially. 

To reach nearly ten times the company’s annual sales in 2020, as a start-up company, a new force in the industry, this remarkable growth is due to the company’s core competitiveness-technology.

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万亿级市场东风再起 循环经济引领产业绿色革命

The trillion-dollar market is booming again, and the circular economy is leading the green revolution of the industry 2024年8月11日,中共中央、国务院印发的《关于加快经济社会发展全面绿色转型的意见》(以下简称《意见》)正式对外公布,这是中央层面首次对加快经济社会发展全面绿色转型进行系统部署。《意见》提出,“大力发展循环经济”“大力发展资源循环利用产业”“健全废弃物循环利用体系”。 On August 11, 2024, the CPC